Tag: Dreamspinner

Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention!

I’m super stoked to share that my book WRECKED has received an honorable mention in the 2015 Rainbow Awards!! Wrecked was entered in the historical romance category along side of some great books. Check out the review here: http://reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4727852.html I…

NSFW Excerpt from WRECKED

Wrecked Off the Key West coast, Rief Lawson works as a wrecker, salvaging ships and their cargo. Exiled to the outskirts of society because of his mysterious gift of sight, Riefʼs only respite from his loneliness is painting an unknown…

Welcome, Kayla Jameth!

While I know the rest of the known world introduces their main characters, this is Sparta and we do everything differently here. So I’d like you to meet a secondary character named Ictis. Ictis lives with Andreas and is Andreas’…